10 Favorite Instagram Photos from 2021

Book photography has been one of the biggest blessings in my creative life. While Jess and I are in the middle of moving into our new home, I'm happy to have places where I can take some pictures. Here are my ten favorite Instagram photos from 2021. For more, follow me @diveindigdeep.


This was one of my best rug photos, probably because of the lighting but also because the soft texture seemed fitting for the subject matter. The teal cover color really pops, and the photo and font paired with the rug give it a slightly retro vibe.


Charitable Writing

A minimal and clever cover called for a simple yet stylish photo. I used Jess’ notebook and desk to reference the “writing” theme. The green plant pops some much needed color into the picture.

The Unfolding Word

This book is filled with Biblical theology, and I used the wood frame to give the photo a sense of structure. I was very happy with the lighting, giving me a huge contrast across the picture.

The 1662 Book of Common Prayer

This is a small book, but I wanted to give it some gravity. So I angled the camera but you can still sense the size of the book when compared to the bowl and books on the left in the photo. I wanted to get the texture of the book, as well as the gold against the teal to pop.

Faith for Life

This photo marks the transition out of our old home. I found a beautiful green backdrop for this photo and continued to use it in future pictures. The chair belongs to my friends Ed and Al — we were holding it for them for some reason — and I love how the scuff marks give it some personality.

Love Your Church

This photo was taken on a much gloomier day, but I think it give a certain seriousness to the photo. The cover is already exciting, so a simple green grass backdrop helped highlight the theme of a thriving, vibrant church.

The Child’s Story Bible

The wood bench, green vines, and wood fence all contribute to the vibe of this book. The blue and gold cover contrast well, and the lighting was glorious.

Our God

I wanted something fun for this children’s book. Because it was close to Christmas, we had wrapping paper ready to go for the backdrop.

Systematic Theology

This classic book called for a distinguished look, and the tile here worked perfectly. The lighting helped make the white really pop, giving it a pure and pristine vibe.

The Gospels

The blue carpet does not get a lot of love, but the hazy lighting and simple cover really gave this photo a hip aesthetic.


God, Technology, and the Christian Life


Sanity and Wonder