2021 Book of the Year Awards

Here is a list to help me remember my personal favorites. These are not the best books ever written, and they are particular to my niche of theology and Christian living. But they are books that defined my year, and books that gave me great joy.

2021: Providence, by John Piper

Described as John Piper’s magnum opus -- this book is a modern masterpiece, with truths that belong in the hearts and minds of every Christian hedonist. It will be remembered as an important part of John Piper’s legacy, and I believe it is the crown-jewel of his published works. You can download the entire book for free at DesiringGod. Read my review. Purchase on Amazon.

2020: Gentle and Lowly, by Dane Ortlund

Towards the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book was a breath of fresh air. As I started to recalibrate my life, I also refocused on Jesus. It motivated me to move my life and work in a different direction and dedicate my days to better reflect the heart of Christ. Read my review. Purchase on Amazon.

2019: Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age, by Tony Reinke

Joining the book launch team with one of my journalism and ministry heroes made me excited for more partnerships in the publishing world. This was the year I launched @DiveInDigDeep on Instagram. Read my review. Purchase on Amazon.

2018: ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set (Cowhide over Board with Walnut Slipcase)

I started my Book of the Year lists with this set because it’s the set that helped me better appreciate the beauty of the Bible. The best binding, craftsmanship, and design for the Word of God. I never reviewed it because Jess got it for me as a birthday present. Little did she know that it would push me deeper into my love of books. Purchase on Amazon.

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