3 Glorious Comforts from the Wonderful Word of God

Read my new article at SOLA Network.

School is back in session, so we’re sharing a new devotional for those who feel far away from God. We encourage you to send it to students or anyone who could use some comfort in Christ. Subscribe to our Substack to get it in daily installments delivered directly through email this week.

Where can you find comfort?


When I think about comfort, I think about how each of my kids carry around a comfort blanket. It keeps them warm. It makes them feel safe and protected from monsters. Or I think about a campfire that keeps away the cold and brightens up the darkness. The thing about these comforts is that they don’t last. The blanket will unravel. The campfire will eventually burn out.

We’re all looking for comfort in our lives. But oftentimes it’s hard for us to see that because we live so comfortably. But take away the power of your phone and your followers, take away your good grades, take away your money and your material possessions, take away your home or your health—you might find yourself uncomfortable. And the truth is that even if you don’t lose these comforts in this life, you cannot keep them in the next. So where do we go for comfort? 


Psalm 23


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