Believe in the Lord Jesus and You Will Be Saved

Three Simple Truths About Your Salvation Testimony.

I recently had the opportunity to share my salvation testimony, and here some reflections as I thought about my story.

1. You don’t need an incredible tale for your testimony to be true.

While some remember stories of sordid pasts and lives of crime, those who were saved at a young age or those who tried to live morally “good” lives will not have many sharp contrasts before and after meeting Christ.

But that doesn’t make sin more or less serious. The smallest sins are enough to condemn us, and whenever someone has been saved it is always a story of being redeemed from death to life. A converted man is always a miracle.

2. You don’t need to know the exact date or time of when you were saved.

Having responded to a call from the pulpit to walk down the aisle, raise your hand, or sign a card as commemorating your salvation is a nice thing to have, but it’s not necessary. I don’t need a birth certificate to prove that I’m alive.

Memories become hazy, and even our best moments fade in the back of our minds. But no matter what I remember or recall, and even if I forget everything later on in life, I cling to the hope that Christ has secured my salvation.

3. What matters most is that you believe now.

Our circumstances are always changing. Don’t wait for the right moment, and don’t wait for a sign. We are not guaranteed another chance, and we do not know what will happen tomorrow. See to it that you meet Jesus today.

Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. You might not have it all together, and you might not know all the details, but if you believe in Jesus now then your testimony is genuine. Respond to the call and come to the King.

An earlier version of this article was first shared in my newsletter. I want to send you all of the free eBooks I find on the Internet. Join my free newsletter for my book reviews, articles, ministry updates, and family life. Show your support and
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