Preaching Q&A

How do you familiarize yourself with your sermon manuscript? How do you get comfortable preaching away from the pulpit? Do you practice at home?

The flow needs to make sense to me personally. I specifically try to memorize my intro verbatim. I've been trying to plan my moments away from the pulpit, usually the applications. I hope to work on getting away from the pulpit as I present the Gospel, although I'm not sure yet because I also don't want to lose my accuracy. I don't practice at home, but as I am writing the sermon I do envision myself or just imagine what it will be like to present it. My Sunday School and worship leading experience served me well in this regard. 

What are some areas that you personally want to sharpen in your preaching? 

Apart from being accurate, bold, and clear — I want to make sure that I am serving my "audience" well. I've been working on using illustrations. I want to make sure my applications are timely and relevant. I want to hit hearts, so I want to speak towards a theological as well as an emotional effect on the hearers.

Find all of my sermons in my Preaching & Teaching YouTube playlist.


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