Such Were Some of You: Eliminating Assumptions in Sunday School

With the start of a new academic semester comes a new season of Sunday School. Teaching High School Sunday School online for the past year gave me some clarity and convictions as to the type of teacher I want to be. Here are 3 assumptions I want to eliminate as a teacher so I can love my students better.

1. I will not assume that everyone knows their Bible.

Not all students grew up going to Sunday School. Not all students have families who focus around God’s Word. I am resolved to teach the stories of the Bible. I intend to help our students learn and love the stories, with the hope that they will see and savor Christ.

2. I will not assume that everyone is fighting sin.

Not all students are open to sharing about their sin struggles. Not all students are aware of their more subtle sins. I am resolved to teach the seriousness of all of our sin. I intend to help our students know and kill their sins, with the hope that they will come alive and thrive in Christ.

3. I will not assume that everyone is saved.

Not all students who come to church are saved. Not all students who have Christian parents are saved. True repentance comes with a proper understanding of the Good News. I am resolved to teach the Gospel. I intend to make the message clear, with the hope that our students will cling to Christ.

God Gives Grace

As a teacher, I want to remember what it was like to be a student. I want to remember what it was like to figure out faith, and remember all the challenges that come with being a youth at church. God gave me grace when I was growing up. He reaches to the least and lowliest. And we learn that he is love.


Such Were Some of You


Of Making Many Books There Is No End