The Start of a New Season The Start of a New Season

Last week I wrote about Sponsorships, and now I would like to reveal why it is a fitting start to a new season: I have a new website at So why a new website? Here are three reasons why, which will also serve to update you on my personal and professional life.

1. My job at Cruciform Press has been extended.

My summer job as the Social Media Manager for Cruciform Press has been extended into the Fall season. I’m grateful for the opportunity, and it got me thinking that I need something a bit more professional when it comes to my own work online. I also believe that book publishers will benefit from my reviews being more accessible and integrating better aesthetics.

2. SOLA Network has a new website.

As the Social Media Manager for SOLA Network, I’ve seen what it takes to run a website, including the importance of understanding analytics, SEO, functionality, and design when it comes to online publishing. As I’ve grown in my writing, it’s time to offer a better reading experience for my audience. My new website will be a more stable and reliable platform.

3. Jess and I are working on our new home.

Our family is still waiting for our new home to be renovated, and it seems fitting that I work on my online home while we wait. My new website is nowhere near where I want it to be as I still want to tweak the design and import older articles and book reviews. I hope to have it ready and officially launched in 2022. But it’s up and running, and I think it’s a good beginning. Visit me at

My old website is back online and you can still find all of my articles, book reviews, and more at Thanks for reading!


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