To Love and Proclaim Christ

This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon Live Your Life Proclaiming Christ. November 20, 2022. First Chinese Baptist Church, Walnut, California.

To Love and Proclaim Christ

You called us out of darkness,

You called us to declare:

That you are God alone!

And we are not to fear.

For though our sin is great,

Your grace is shown in love.

And we can come rejoicing —

Repent and trust your Son.

If anyone would look,

Behold the risen King,

Their sins can be forgiven —

And death will lose its sting.

You’ve given us your word

For us to taste and see:

That life is found in Jesus,

And that we might believe.

He is the only way,

He is the only truth,

He is the only life,

And he is our Good News.

So soften stony hearts

And open blinded eyes —

As we, your children, live

To love and proclaim Christ.


What Cannot Be Lost


The Embattled Pastor