52 Weeks in the Word

How can you be strengthened in Scripture this new year? In 52 Weeks in the Word, Trillia J. Newbell provides a companion for reading through the Bible in a year.

This Bible reading plan is an excellent way to incorporate Bible reading into your daily habits this new year. Each week includes space to write notes, a portion for prayers, and reflections by Newbell. She does a great job of helping introduce the material while also guiding you so you get the big picture. Her writing is warm and friendly, but she is also knowledgable and clear.

Helpful and Devotional

This paperback book can be taken with you throughout your day or sit comfortably at your desk or on your bedside table. What I was most impressed by was how captivating the illustrations were for each week. Colorful and joyful, they added vibrancy to the study. I was most eager to see how the book would act as a survey of the entire Bible from the reflection material, and I was pleased to see it was helpful while also devotional.

This book would be helpful for anyone who wants to do individual book studies, or quickly read through it to get a big picture of the entire Bible. If you have never read through the entire Bible, or if you want to commit to reading it again, this is the book to get at the begging of the new year. 

I received a media copy of 52 Weeks in the Word and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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