
The Book of Revelation feels distant and unrelatable for some. How does it impact our real life? In Blessed, Nancy Guthrie helps us experience the promise of the Book of Revelation.

Symbolism and Imagery

In 12 chapters and just over 250 pages, Guthrie gives us a walking tour of Revelation. Throughout the book, she excellently explains its imagery. She is able to take John’s writings and reveal the ultimate reality underneath it all. She helps us see how stories and symbols in the Old Testament helps interpret this New Testament book. Guthrie was able to show me Jesus. I have a clearer picture of his reign in Heaven and how that impacts my life here on earth today. I also see the passion he has for his people, and the purity that he desires for their heart. I see his worthiness as being incomparable to anyone or anything.

I was reminded that the book of Revelation tells us what we can expect. War, civil unrest, economic hardship and inequity, disease, and death should not be a surprise. What is surprising is that it is Jesus who is giving out some of his judgment now. Because the world has rejected the rule of God, it is fitting that we see some of God’s judgment for our rebellion. The Lamb is Lord. We can expect to be persecuted for our witness to Jesus Christ, but there is still hope. God hears our prayers. And all who have taken hold of Christ by faith can expect to be protected in the final judgment. We can expect to enjoy the presence and provision of Christ forever in a cleansed creation.

Warnings and Witness

When it comes to the 144,000 in Revelation 7, Guthrie believes they are the number of Old Testament saints who looked forward and put their faith in the Christ who was promised combined with those saints in the New Testament era who look back at the cross and resurrection and put their faith in Christ. She explains that when we read the words “a great multitude that no one could number,” perhaps we’re meant to think of God’s promise to Abraham that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore.

While the world will receive trumpet warnings of God’s coming final judgment, the church serves as a witness and testimony to truth. What I was most interested in was to understand the unholy trinity better. The dragon, the beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth in Revelation 12-14 are clearly explained. Guthrie also shows how the mark of the beast is an internal evidence of belonging, allegiance, and loyalty.

Endurance and Faith

Each chapter ends with implications and applications for your Christian life, making the book personal and practical. Endurance and faith are repeated refrains. Guthrie writes with wisdom and warmth. This book makes studying Revelation approachable, interesting, and relevant.

The book end by examining the wrath of God. I am in awe of God’s holiness. We see how Babylon tries to seduce us with the beauty of the world, but we as the church wait patiently for the Bridegroom. We will be raised. We will reign with him. And we will worship him in glory for all of eternity.

I received a media copy of Blessed and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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