Finding My Father


What does the Christian faith say about absent fathers? In Finding My Father, Blair Linne helps us see how the gospel heals the pain of fatherlessness.

Compelling and Courageous

By sharing her story, Linne allows us to journey with her as she learned to navigate the feelings and findings of fatherlessness. It is a story of self-discovery, but also a story of her finding a Savior. I was captivated by her writing, and extremely encouraged by her faith.

There is a twist in her tale that caught me off-guard. I will not spoil it here in this review, but it is safe to say that there is still more to her story. Nevertheless, what she has already lived through is compelling and courageous. My eyes were opened and my heart was moved.

Marriage, Family, and the Church

Linne does not leave out God and the gospel in this book. I would actually consider it an excellent introduction to a theology of God as our Heavenly Father and the earthly station of fatherhood. Linne shares concise and clear Biblical wisdom and practicality in regards to marriage, family, and the church. Adoption is championed as what keeps the Christian’s heart pumping.

As a spoken word artist, this book proves that Linne works wonders in writing. There is a cohesion and flow that can only come from a true poet. Her husband, rapper Shai Linne, contributes a chapter on Becoming the Dad I Never Knew. This is a book that demands and earns your attention. 

Sheep and Sons

What impacted me the most was Linne’s repeated refrain of “living out” what is known to be statistically true. Fathers are important. Fathers are irreplaceable. I am resolved to be a faithful father to my children. I am resolved to be a loving husband. And I pray that I will best reflect our Heavenly Father, who finds lost sheep and calls them his sons.

I received a media copy of Finding My Father and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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