I Will Build My Church

Who is Thomas Witherow? Edited by Jonathan Gibson, this book introduces you to the influential nineteenth-century Irish Presbyterian minister and professor. Gibson uses the first 75 pages of this book to write an interesting and engaging biography. I found it to be fascinating and compelling.

Providence, Publishing, and Productivity

I was most moved to read Witherow’s story of salvation, and how it intertwined with his education. God’s providence is found all over his life. There was excitement in publishing tracts, and sorrows with the passings of his wife and children. Yet Witherow remained productive, and his faith remained intact.

The remaining two-thirds of the book are dedicated to The Presbyterian Distinctives of Thomas Witherow. This section includes his works on The Apostolic Church, Scriptural Baptism, and The Sabbath. With cohesive and clear writing, they remain convincing and influential.

The Apostolic Church and Scriptural Baptism

Witherow Biblically defines the church to be an assembly of the people of God – a society of Christians. While a plurality of elders is stressed, he is also sure to keep Christ as the head. Pulpit exposition and private instruction are the means by which the Word is to be planted. Witherow is concise, yet practical.

Considering texts like Matthew 3:11, as well as various passages in Acts, Witherow sees the connection between water baptism and baptism by the Spirit. He claims that by going off of Scripture alone, the only mode of baptism that can be proved by it is that of putting water upon the person.

The Sabbath as a Divine Ordinance

Seeing the Sabbath as a divine ordinance has several practical applications. First, it must be guarded and dedicated. Second, it should be spent at church and in the home. To be with God’s family and our earthly families are good things. Third, there should still be joy. It is a day for rest as well as for rejoicing.

An educated and published man, this pastor and professor loved the church. He sought to teach truth and stay supported by Scripture. He wrote with clarity and conviction. This book leaves a legacy for Presbyterians, and a beautiful encouragement for all believers.

I received a media copy of I Will Build My Church and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.



