Peace Over Perfection

How can Christians find rest when they struggle to be perfect? In Peace Over Perfection, Faith Chang guides you to enjoying a good God when you feel you’re never good enough.

Life is Not a Math Equation

Chang is encouraging, and she understands the fears of Christian leaders. She says that godly leaders are often afflicted by perfectionist thinking, struggling to see the good that God is doing in their lives. God does not expect perfection, but growth. And true change — worth noticing and celebrating — comes from God’s supernatural grace. We can be patient with slow progress because God makes everything beautiful in his time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

I was most moved to read about God’s providence. Instead of wondering “what if,” Chang calls us to take comfort in God’s wonderful, gracious will. We can trust him as we seek to obey him. God can make even evil turn out for good. Life is not a math equation. Christians account for grace, and this allows us to look at our past not with regret - but with a sense of rest.

God Loves Sinners, Not Perfect People

Chang’s book is bathed in the Bible. When explaining how Christian perfectionists can often know but don’t feel God’s love, she reminds us that God tells us who he is in Exodus 34:6-7: That God has a love for sinners, not perfect people. God manifested this love throughout the Bible, and Chang paints us a picture of Christ.

A natural storyteller, Chang uses illustrations from her own life. She speaks on everything from her relationship with her parents as a child to parenting her own children. She concludes with the thought of our future Sabbath rest and experiencing the glory of God. This is where the Christian perfectionist is headed. This is our future. And we don’t get there alone. It is God who carries us.

The Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith

What makes this book exceptionally beautiful are the prayers in between the chapters related to each topic. By providing prayers for her readers, she gives words to help us interact with God in the tension we feel as imperfect followers of Jesus. Discussion questions are included, making this an excellent book for small groups, book clubs, or personal journaling. Esther Liu ends the book with an uplifting afterword on our worthwhile journey with Jesus.

Faith Chang is a natural storyteller, a gifted writer, insightful, and encouraging. In my anxious pursuit of perfection, Chang points me to Christ — the founder and perfecter of our faith — and his perfect love casts out my fear.

I received a media copy of
Peace Over Perfection and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


Thank God it’s Friday


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