
Where can you go to find a serious study on the Psalms? With James M. Hamilton Jr.’s Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary on the Psalms, you will find streams of living water. 

One of the World’s Great Treasures

Hamilton taught and preached on these Psalms in various settings and levels of study. So while this is clearly an academic work, it is also work that has seen the road. There is life in the lines. 

It is clear that Hamilton sees every single Psalm as good, beautiful, and true. The Hebrew text is used throughout, and cross-references from the Old and New Testament abound. He sees the Psalms as “one of the world’s great treasures.”

A Comprehensive Take on Every Single Psalm

Each Psalm has an overview and structure, the full Scripture, context including verbal and thematic links with surrounding Psalms, and exposition. This is a comprehensive take on every single Psalm.

Interestingly, Hamilton includes his own translation of each Psalm alongside the text of the Christian Standard Bible. The nuances in each word and phrase come in more clear.

Literary Structure and Meaning

The strength of this commentary is the sheer scope of the project. Hamilton sought to see each Psalm in context, and he does so by looking at the entire book of Psalms as well as the entire body of Scripture. They were “forged in the history of God’s people.” It is incredibly thorough, and unmistakably clear. 

What I most appreciated was Hamilton’s understanding of the literary structure and meaning of the Psalter. The Psalms are not organized and ordered at random. Hamilton sees them in a chiastic structure, and he is sure that every single word matters. The Psalms were meant to be read in continuity — not as separate elements without any reference to the others. 

After God’s Own Heart

There is a “Master Narrative” and there are certain truths that we derive from it while reading through the Psalms. Divine simplicity and the fear of God are standouts for Hamilton. The Psalms provide church liturgy and a sense of culture for Christians today.

This will be the first book I turn to when I study the Psalms. It belongs in the library of every serious student of Scripture. After reading through this commentary, I’m left with the impression of a man after God’s own heart. I want this heart for my own. With the Psalms, my soul can truly sing.

I received a media copy of Psalms and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


Sovereign Over the Schemes of Man

