Redeeming Productivity

Is there a proper way to view productivity as a Christian? In Redeeming Productivity, Reagan Rose writes on how we can get more done for the glory of God. 

Why We Should Be Productive

After a quick foreword by Tim Challies, Rose says that productivity is about efficiently accomplishing the right things. This book is not just about how to be productive, but why we should be productive.

The first pillar is that you belong to God. You were bought with a price – the blood of Jesus. And now your life belongs to him. In fact, it’s not your life – it’s his. You have been redeemed and purchased by a high price. Being productive means to be a faithful steward of the life that God has bought and gave to you.

Life as Stewardship

I was most moved to see that when viewing your life as stewardship, this helps to eliminate jealousy. “It’s not about competing to be the best or most productive. It’s about making the most of what the Lord has given us.” This was incredibly freeing for me – someone who spent my whole life accustomed to competition.

Rose knowingly states that John 15 is referenced throughout the book. Abiding in Christ means you will bear much fruit. To say it another way, it means that you will be productive. Personally, I was encouraged to see that we can be discerning when it comes to our spiritual gifts. Using them like a filter helps us set priorities, and I was empowered to seek opportunities that best utilize my own.

Good and Faithful Servants

I was most challenged to see how Christians have the privilege of purpose. Unlike the rest of the world, Christians know that we are here to glorify God. This gives unparalleled focus to our lives. It gave urgency to Rose’s practices of getting organized and tracking commitments.

From a practical standpoint, this book is a treasure. Detailed disciplines throughout the book include crafting your morning routine, getting organized, tracking commitments, and setting goals. Rose ends the book with a call to write your own vision statement. After reading this book, I feel better prepared for when I am called to give an account before God. And I hope and wait for the day when he will say: “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

I received a media copy of
Redeeming Productivity and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.




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