Say the Right Thing

Can we really tame our tongue? In Say the Right Thing, Carolyn Lacey shares how your words can glorify God and encourage others.

Biblical Wisdom and Strategies for Speaking

This short book is full of biblical wisdom and strategies to help us with what we say. Lacey means to show us that our words matter, and our speech should be fashioned by our faith.

I was most interested to see how we can instill beauty in our words when we are surrounded by a sinful and suffering world. Lacey calls us to look beyond this world, and to focus our gaze on Christ. We will find God’s beauty “chasing” us (Psalm 23:6) and we can use our words to point others to him.

The Way God Uses Words

Using Isaiah 40, Lacey shares that we can speak comfort into suffering by focusing on God’s character - not our own experiences. I was most challenged to see that we may be tempted to be irritable or impatient with certain people - and that we should pay special attention to our words with them. Speaking to them as kin can help us be more kind and compassionate.

The book closes with challenges to share the gospel with others and to praise God in your everyday life. After reading this book, I am amazed at the way God uses words in our lives. I feel sharpened in my ability to speak, and softened in my heart to better share the words of Christ.

I received a media copy of Say the Right Thing and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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