Tidings of Comfort and Joy

How can you put Jesus back at the center of your Christmas season? In Tidings of Comfort and Joy, Mark M. Yarbrough brings us 25 devotions leading to Christmas.

A Resource and Guide for Advent

In about 150 pages, Yarbrough writes with winsome character and theological depth. Each devotional is about 5 pages, perfect for reading in your morning quiet times or evening family worship times. Scripture passages and prayers are included, making it an excellent resource and guide for Advent.

Yarbrough shares personal stories as well as Scriptural insight. He is also creative. For instance, he tells us of a fictional character named Baruch – a temple recorder who is fascinated by the story of Simeon and Anna. Yarbrough’s writings helped spark my imagination and brought back some wonder in my Christmas season.

Christmas Throughout Scripture

I loved how this devotional took me through the entire Bible. I believe that Christmas is best appreciated in light of the entire Biblical narrative. From Genesis to Revelation, Yarbrough shows that Christmas is all around Scripture.

What I most appreciated were the Advent Applications at the end of each text. They are calls to action for worshiping God and serving others. His applications often include listening to different Christmas carols in light of what was learned in the devotion.

Experience His Presence

This book will help you make sure that you don’t miss Jesus this Christmas. He came to our rescue, and he is our reward. Experience his presence, comfort, and joy.

I received a media copy of Tidings of Comfort and Joy and this is my honest review.


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