True to His Word

Have you ever feared that God would not be faithful? In True to His Word, Jon Bloom presents 100 meditations on the faithfulness of God.

With just over 200 pages, this book is a treasure of biblical truth. The book title is the definition of what it means to be faithful - and Bloom shows that this is always true of God.

Disappointments and Deliverance

Showing examples of God’s faithfulness throughout redemptive history — this book highlights different promises, commands, prophecies, and parables. Each chapter is a meditation about 2 pages long, beginning with a passage and ending with a prayer. 

What this book does most well is display God’s faithfulness in disappointments. For instance, Bloom examines Exodus 2:25, teaching the truth that God sees and knows you. While God might seem to delay, he knows what he is doing. As we sojourn with Jesus, our hope in heaven guarantees his faithful deliverance.

Focus on God’s Faithfulness

I was most challenged to see how God is faithful to hear our prayers for our children. Bloom says this is a lifelong calling, for their story is not over until the very end. No matter how he answers, and especially in regard to the salvation of our children, God is faithful to hear our prayers and will not allow our labor to be in vain.

Warm, encouraging and hopeful - this book will direct your gaze towards God. It will focus you on his faithfulness with scriptural support. You will trust him more, and find rest in his Word.

I received a media copy of True to His Word and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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