Those Who Know and Seek Him

2 Reasons to Trust in God

October 13, 2023 | FCBCW AWANA | Psalm 9:10


Last week we learned that we must trust the Bible because it is God speaking to us about the good news of Jesus. But how do you know you can trust God? What makes God trustworthy? What makes God worthy of our trust? Why should we trust God?

We tend to trust the people we know and who we can go to for help. This is why we don’t trust strangers. Think about the people you trust. Your parents. Your brother or sister. Your closest friends. These are people you trust because you know them. And when you ask them for help – they take care of you. They are there for you. Over time, they have proven to be trustworthy.

Two Reasons to Trust in God

Let’s read the Bible to see what it says about why we can and should trust God:

And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

1. You can know God

The first reason why you can and should trust God is because you can know him. To know God’s name means to know who he is. It’s to know his character. God is not trying to hide. He has made himself known and he wants you to know him so that you can trust him.

God has proven through the many real-life stories in the Bible that he is trustworthy. There are many verses in the Bible that tell us about God and his character. He is good, kind, compassionate, holy, and righteous. Reading the Bible will help you get to know God better. When you memorize verses in AWANA, you are shaping your mind and heart so you remember who God is.

2. You can seek God

The second reason why you can and should trust God is because you can seek him. To seek God means to go to God. Specifically in this context, it means to go to God for help and protection. God wants you to come to him when you need help. He will not hide from you. You will be able to find him when you need help.

You will face disappointment and discouragement in this world. Trust God’s promises and you will find peace. Go to God for your help and protection by reading his word. When you memorize verses in AWANA, you are building up help for your heart.


People who trust in God know him and seek him. God promises that if you do this, he will not forsake you. Forsake means to leave. God says he will never leave you. He will never give up on you.

If you think about it, God has every reason and every right to leave us. God created us to have a relationship with him - but we have broken the relationship. We forget about God. We disobey him. God has been so good to us, but in our hearts – we are bad. So God has every reason and every right to leave us.

But instead of leaving us, God came to live with us. He sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. On the cross, Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) Jesus took the punishment that we deserved. If you believe in Jesus, you are forgiven, and now your relationship with God can begin again – and God will never leave you.

Big Idea

God is trustworthy and will not forsake those who know and seek him.


Get to know God by reading the Bible. You can also get to know God by seeing what he has done in the world. See that the heavens declare his glory. Understand that God controls the weather. Think about the ways God is arranging your life.

Seek God by reading the Bible. You can also seek God by praying. Ask your parents to pray for you and ask your parents how you can pray for them. Make it a priority to come to church and listen attentively to the preaching and teaching.


How have you experienced God’s trustworthiness in your life? How has God’s word proved true to you? Can you share a story where you had to trust a promise of God and then it turned out to be true?


Our parents, our brothers and sisters, our closest friends – they have proven to be trustworthy. This means that over time, they have demonstrated that they are reliable. They have shown us they can be trusted. God is the same way. If you trust him now, God will prove himself to be true. And it will just make you trust him more.

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. (Proverbs 30:5)


Thank God it’s Friday


The Lord of Psalm 23