One Who Loves and Never Leaves

This was the closing prayer poem from my Youth Worship sermon titled Correction, Confrontation, and Condemnation: The Glory of God on Display as Jesus Dwells Among Us. February 20, 2022. First Chinese Baptist Church, Walnut, California. Watch the video. Download the transcript.

One Who Loves and Never Leaves

The Word came flesh and dwelt among. 

Glory, at the Feast of Booths, 

In Jesus Christ! The Son of God

Is full of grace and truth.

Our wrongful reasons, self-exalting,

You correct and you confront. 

You stood condemned for those who come 

In faith and place their trust.

And if we were to ask you, Lord,

“Help us with our unbelief!”

Would you give us minds and eyes

To know and clearly see?

But most of all, give us a heart

To treasure, cherish, prize,

One who loves and never leaves:

Our faithful Jesus Christ.


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