Age of Opportunity

How can we speak the truth in love to our teenagers? In Age of Opportunity, Paul David Tripp provides a Biblical guide to parenting teens.

Part One: Clearing the Debris takes an honest look at the family. While the world would tell us differently, God’s Word says that parents are God’s primary teachers. As a theological, sociological, and redemptive community -- parents play an irreplaceable role in discipling their children.

Help Them Develop a Heart for God

Part Two: Setting Godly Goals focuses on our spiritual struggles and the need to develop a heart of conviction and wisdom. Parents must teach their children to have thoughtful, redemptive interactions with culture. I was most interested to see how culture impacts the life of the family in strong yet subtle ways. It sets the pace of our life, it dictates our agendas, it reconfigures our relationships, and it shapes our spiritual lives. I was encouraged that even in the midst of a crooked culture, we are to shine the light of Christ.

While we cannot force it, we can still help our teens develop a heart for God. But before we begin, we must first examine our own. Familiarity, lifestyle, and hypocrisy are reasons as to why our faith fails to transfer to our teens. I was most encouraged to see that as parents must make our pursuit of Christ our priority. Even in our imperfection, our modeling of a hunger for God can go a long way.

Presenting Them Mature in Christ

The book concludes with Part 3: Practical Strategies for Parenting Teens. I learned that I need to evaluate the “voices” in their life. Musicians, movie stars, and social media influencers all have a role in shaping their hearts and minds. Wise parents will do their research and have conversations that help them evaluate their influences. 

Originally published in 1997, this revised and expanded edition features discussion questions for each chapter as well as a bonus Q&A section. I highly recommend this book for parents and pastors who want to better shepherd their children. It’s tough to parent teenagers. My children are still young, but I feel better prepared. And as I minister to the teens at my church, I am reminded of the privilege and opportunity I have to steward. I am eager present them mature in Christ.

I received a media copy of Age of Opportunity and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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