
Why does the family history of the Messiah matter? What can we learn when we consider the lineage of Christ? In Firstborn, Leah Roberts takes us on a study of the human ancestry of Jesus.

Follow the Lineage of Jesus

As one half of the singer-songwriter duo Poor Bishop Hooper, Roberts’ eye for artistry is imprinted all over this book. In fact, Firstborn looks and feels more like a coffee table magazine. 

With light and dark contrasting pages filled with black-and-white artwork, your imagination will spark as you follow the lineage of Jesus through the Scriptures. 

Finding God Behind it All

With 39 chapter-sections and around 40 pages, you’ll start at Abraham/Isaac, work your way through Boaz and Obed, find out how Jesse, David, and Solomon factor in, and finish with Joseph and Jesus. It is epic, artistic, and enlightening.

As I read through this during the Advent season, I couldn’t help but think about the sovereignty of God over our situations and circumstances. I saw how relationships, oppression, and having (or not having) a home have a part to play in telling the story of Jesus. You will find God behind it all.

A Legacy of Sovereign Grace

My daughter was born earlier this year, and I saw just how God provides for his precious children. He puts them in families and he protects them in love. I could think of no better way to reflect on the lineage of Jesus and how God keeps and fulfills his promises. For those of us in Christ – it’s our family history, and a legacy of sovereign grace.

I received a media copy of Firstborn and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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